The Bar industry is what we know!

For nearly 10 years we’ve been involved with the bar industry. Everything we do involves planning, working, and understanding how it all works. With our sister company, we have worked at over 750 + weddings, celebrations, and company functions over the years.

With the past few years being a challenge for so many, we realized that there are going to be more events planned by individuals themselves. People that are planning a celebration will most likely hire friends to bartend, go shopping themselves, or try and source all the things needed online.

Our goal is to still help supply many of the events that we do not directly bartend at or that may help other planners and professional services have a one-stop place for all the items needed to plan a successful bar event.

Great for:

  • Organizing your event on your own to get all your bar supplies/equipment in one place
  • Casual small functions that just need a few items
  • Industry planners that are organizing the bar for their event
  • Professional bartenders that would like to have a one-stop place to get the equipment needed for them to run a bar at an event
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Need some planning advice?

Even though this is an online store, we’d be more than happy to help you directly on the phone. We have years of experience understanding quantities for such things like ice, glassware, supplies for mixes and all the other details.

Please call us at 604-313-6655